QuestionsOk… I am known to have an opinion or two… I am also known to be capable of putting both feet in my mouth if I try hard enough… sooooo…

                                                   ……………ask away! 

I am here to give a pynkanswer!

114 Responses to “pynkanswers”

  1. colleen Says:

    I dont know if I already asked you this question but when someone tells you they want to hold 3 classes a week do you suggest
    600, 1800 or 2400?

  2. pynkmyst Says:

    Ok, I know this is going to sound strange but I try not to make recommendations. Instead I give the information and ask what is “comfortable.” Now if someone who had a goal of three classes a week said $200 was comfortable I would encourage them to stretch to a $600, someone who had the goal and said they were comfortable with a $600 – I would encourage them to also look at an $1800.

    The bottom line is that they need to be comfortable with the decision. Someone who has the goal and truly does hold 3 classes a week should be starting with $3,000 wholesale BUT if that is not their comfort zone then it could have an adverse affect on them. If they feel it is too much inventory it can put a person in “analysis paralysis.” You can always buy more! My current car driver started with $600 and finished star a few weeks later. How wonderful it is to hear someone say… “Oh my goodness, I NEED more product!”

    I think it is better to have them selling vs. staring at it. LOL

    My 2 cents.

  3. mkrules Says:

    pynk answers! yea! anyway, what do you do when you are low on leads? (besides fish bowls!)

  4. pynkmyst Says:

    Ok, I keep leads forever organized in a lead box. I will call someone from a fishbowl that is 2 years old and use the same script. 🙂 I also do summer events and always always ask for referrals.

  5. mkrules Says:

    What are summer events?? Like booths?

  6. pynkmyst Says:

    Exactly local fairs and town or city days. Anywhere you can get a booth and have an “enter to win” drawing. 🙂

  7. "Dara" Says:

    I didn’t know if I should put these questions here or in the “Sales talk” section.. but I’m here now so I’ll stay, lol.

    At your classes how do you go about asking for interviews?

    Do you have a systematic plan to ask a certain # of women at each appt to listen to career info or to do a certain # of personal interviews each month?

    Do you use the four point recruiting plan?

    I need 3 new active team members next month, I have the interview part worked out, it’s just GETTING the interviews that puts the proverbial fly in the ointment. Thanks for your help Pynky.

  8. Colleen Says:

    Dara get them to listen to one of the hotline numbers of Dacia or Allyson LeMarr and then do the interview.

  9. "Dara" Says:

    Colleen, that’s the challenge, GETTING them to listen to a hotline or to get them to participate on a CC or to get them to meet with me for a sit down.

  10. Rebecca Says:

    Just a suggestion, but what about interviewing her over the phone yourself? You could mail recruiting literature to her or drop it off on her doorstep and go over it together on the phone.

  11. "Dara" Says:

    Oh Boy! I guess I’m not making myself understood very well today 😦 The actual interview is not the challenge, no matter how, or when or by whom it’s done. The challenge has been getting them to the point of the interview. I’m doing the 4pt recruting plan, but at my individual close or when I call them later and ask if I could meet with them to share career info, it gets a little dicey. What I’m asking is: Is there a PROVEN, tried and tested dialogue that I can use that will help me to get at least 2 interviews from a class?… or am I asking too much.

    P.S- At my close I do give them career information and sometimes a tape to take home with them.

  12. mkrules Says:

    Just offer them something free or half price for listening. Say there is no pressure, just listening to facts

  13. mkrules Says:

    p.s. Rena Tarbet says at the class try to book them. Only try to recruit the hostess by using the kitchen coaching and tell her you will just see how it goes and ask her what she thinks at the end of class. The guests should all be booked, then repeat.

  14. AtTheEdge Says:

    what’s kitchen coaching?

  15. pynkmyst Says:

    mkrules – from the Donna Bayes site – LOVE her!

    Mary Kay called it Kitchen Coaching. There are all sorts of fancy names for it, like Pre-Class Coaching, by I call it Kitchen Coaching, just like Mary Kay taught me.

    Here are the important points of Kitchen Coaching:
    As you set up for your class, take a minute to coach your hostess. If guests are already present, ask your hostess if you can visit with her a moment in the other room.
    Ask her how many are coming. She may have had some cancellations or last minute additions. You’ll know how many trays to set up.
    Confirm again with her exactly what she is hoping to earn with her hostess credit. Assure her that you will do all you can to secure the sales and bookings, and with her as your business partner, you’ll be working together.
    Make sure she understands exactly how the hostess credit works. For instance, remind her that she will want to get at least two bookings. Who does she think might be interested in booking? Have her encourage her guests to book.
    Ask for any outside orders. Be sure to fill the orders, so she can deliver them.
    Ask if she plans to serve refreshments. Explain to her that you would prefer that they be served after the class, while you are closing the guests. Tell her that you will tell her when to serve them.
    Encourage your hostess to be enthusiastic about the products. Say, “Your friends will believe you before they believe me. So anything you can add about how much you enjoy the products would be great! In fact, at the end, when it comes time to order, please take a ticket and write down everything you’d like to get for free–make it a wish list! When your friends see you writing down products that you want, they’ll feel confident to also invest in the products and will be eager to purchase. With their sales, I’m sure we’ll be able to get most, if not all, the products you want free or at a significant discount!”
    Your hostess is always a great recruit prospect because she sees how our business works and she loves the product.
    Ask, “Who is coming today that you think might enjoy doing what I do?” (pause, pause) “What about you? I think you’d be great!”
    More than likely she’ll say, “Oh, not me!”
    You say, “Watch me during the class today and see if you can see yourself doing what I do. I think you’d be great! We can talk about it after the class.”

    Put these notes on an index card to remind you of what to talk about during Kitchen Coaching. Keep the card in your starter kit or your datebook so it is always handy at a class. On the backside should be info about Coaching A New Hostess.

    Kitchen Coaching
    How many are coming?
    What do you want to earn?
    Hostess Credit? Does she understand it?
    Outside orders?
    Refreshments–wait until finished to serve.
    Business Partner–encourage hostess to be enthusiastic.
    Recruit? What about yourself?

  16. pynkmyst Says:

    Dara – My personal experience is that you have got to get ’em while you got ’em to share the information. Women are BUSY! It is a challenge to get them on teh phone again. So… here is what I recommend.

    1. Don’t talk to everyone – only talk to those you genuinely would want to work with. Your numbers will be better. 🙂

    2. At the end of the facial ask them “Is there any reason why we couldn’t take just 15 minutes so that I can share some informatin about this opportunity – it may not be for you – but you may know someone that this would be perfect for!?” You can do this at the end of the double facial too.

    3. At classes rebook them for their follow-up appointment, give them some information, tell them you will be about 20 minutes early to their appointment and let them know you will be calling to answer any questions, etc. If possible SET AN APPOINTMENT for the follow-up call.

    Ok… to offer free stuff.. discounts… etc. It is really up to you. Most folks will listen just to help you out and help you practice. Let them know you are practicing (if that is what you are doing). If you have inventory you could offer them a free _(you fill in the blank)____, or you could offer a “free gift” and you can decide what that is – PCP item, discontinued item, etc. If you do not have inventory you could offer them $X off their order AT THEIR APPOINTMENT. Now… honestly… you really do not have to offer anything at all.

    So do that math, do what makes sense for your business. Most importantly share with the folks you REALLY want to work with. Remember you are building the business YOU WANT!! YAY! I love that part!

  17. Krizzle Says:

    Off topic,
    I have a really stupid question: What is a crow?

  18. pynkmyst Says:

    Hey Krizzle! Basically it means to exclaim something positive or boast (but in a good way).

  19. Krizzle Says:

    Ohhh, Duh! Got a funny mental picture of a “Crow in a director suit.” My brain is on autopilot. Tee Hee

  20. pynkmyst Says:

    LOL – Makes me think of the crows that were in cartoons! What were their names???? Was it Heckle & Jeckle?

  21. Krizzle Says:

    Maybe? That may have been before my time. Somebody should compile a MK glossary.

  22. pynkmyst Says:

    daYOM – rub it in! {{running for anti-aging stuffs to apply NOW}}

  23. Krizzle Says:

    Ahhh, Pynkmyst! I should be ashamed, runnin’ for my velocity! Sike, I actually using classic skin care.

  24. colleen Says:

    Isnt if funny how the women who were working 50-60 hours a week or making more than 60k a year are the ones who do well in MK or want to hold on to the opportunity.

  25. colleen Says:

    Ohhhh I have been taken off of moderation!!!

  26. mkrules Says:

    That is because you are da bomb!

  27. pynkmyst Says:

    You all da’bomb! 🙂

  28. Krizzle Says:

    Can anyone order a starter kit, or is that something only a director can do?

  29. Krizzle Says:

    How’s hostess credit working these days? Has anything changed? I never really gave hostess credit, 10% here, 15% there, depending on the sales.

  30. pynkmyst Says:

    Only Directors can order starter kits and the company has put a limit on that. We used to be able to order as many as wanted but now I think we can just order 1 a year or something.

    I do my own hostess thing:
    You & Me = $10 FREE
    You + 2 = $30 FREE
    You + 4 = $50 FREE

    That’s it. Nice. Simple. Easy.

  31. Colleen Says:

    OH WOW!! I didnt think they would let directors stop ordering starter kits! I guess they want to see a commitment on the part of the consultant so they wouldnt give those starter kits away at debuts.

  32. Krizzle Says:

    Makes sense, I remember when the starter kits were huge, pink and fold outs. Ahhh the memory, then they went black and got smaller and smaller. Now they’re so convenient, thought about getting one. I get nervous at the thought (I’m getting pinker and pinker, Oh gawd). Just kiddin’ still parked on the MK fence.

  33. Colleen Says:

    Krizzle I liked the big ones..LOL The thing I liked the most about them was the sizes of the foundations and the way they had the mascara tubes. Remember the workbooks? You REALLY learned about each and every product!

  34. Krizzle Says:

    Yep, I sure do. I used to love to help mom squirt everything (Remember Classic Skin Care???). I even learned from that workbook. Guess my pink sweater is sending fumes to my brain, makin’ me want a starter kit. I should change my name to pink dust.

  35. pynkmyst Says:

    Dang! Those older ones sound kewl!

    Pink Dust – I like it… 🙂 Although Krizzle makes me wanna “shizzle” everything. tee hee BTW – if you are terminated you can reinstate and get a new starter kit. I forgot to ask if you were Terminated – as in 1 year past. If so, you can resign with the $20 option or the full starter kit deal – fries and all.

    I liked the old training materials (circa 2001) but definitely like the new bags!! 🙂

  36. Krizzle Says:

    I re-activated in May and they sent the on the go bag with a satin hands sample and some books. But I never got the souped up one they give newbies now.

  37. Krizzle Says:

    I’m gonna let Pink Dust marinate overnight. Dusty Pink sounds good too.

  38. pynkmyst Says:

    Ah! Sounds like you took advantage of the 2nd chance option? You know you can order the empty starter kit bag on section 2 for $15 (part #519900) – I know that it is not the DEAL as it is with the new starter kit with all the product etc., but at least you would have the bag – although I kinda like the sound of some of your previous ones!!!

    Hmm… Dusty Pink… like that too! Fa’ shizzle!

  39. Krizzle Says:

    Hmmm, I’ll check into it. I probably need to raid mom’s old office and closet, she’s got tons of face cases (the big bulky pink ones). Maybe I’ll explore that this holiday weekend. What tha heck, I’ll even treat myself to the VHS SCC training tape from the early 90s.

  40. pynkmyst Says:

    I like the pink face cases much better than the black ones!! RAID THOSE FOR SURE! 🙂

  41. Colleen Says:

    I STILL have that training tape Krizzle!!!..LOL
    Hey remember when they gave the New Consultant Bonus that is HUGE. You used to get compacts and eyeshadows and lipsticks I think it used to amount to 300.00 worth of stuff for a 600.00 order! There was a time they had great stuff now they stick you with ..well a 101 compact!
    Its ok I still like the product and the company.

  42. Colleen Says:

    Myst are you going to be around this weekend or no?

  43. pynkmyst Says:

    Yeah I think when I started I got something like 18 sets of timewise or maybe just the cleansers… but it was a LOT of free product with my order.

    Hey Colleen – I should be around. 🙂 More on Sunday – got count inventory.

  44. pinkwink Says:

    here’s a question…

    what would you do if you believe everything this opportunity offers and you believe you can do this but deep inside, you don’t really think it is for you?
    It’s just the passion is not there. I make jewelry too and there’s a big difference on how I feel when I make or design jewelry vs facials/makeovers. I am not sure I can psych myself into being passionate about MK. I have a feeling if I go on, it will just be to my disadvantage.

  45. pynkmyst Says:

    Hi pinkwink!

    Ok, here are my thoughts on this. In fact, I was just typing with a girlfriend of mine about this very thing because I have never had a PASSION for a Pink Cadillac. Don’t get me wrong, I love driving free and have for 3 years but I have not found my PASSION for driving pink… sometimes when I listen to other directors talk I feel defective. Then I realized… Mary Kay is a job.

    Quite simply, I do NOT PUT THAT MUCH EMOTION INTO IT. For those who have such deep desire and passion for their goals, so much of WHO they are is wrapped up in their accomplishments through Mary Kay. I am NOT defined by diamond rings, free cars, ribbons, sashes and so on. I am confident with who I am and Mary Kay is my WORK it is NOT MY BEING… NOT MY WORTH.

    I have passion for many things in my life, few of them material. Many in Mary Kay have passion for the material – I am not judging them or saying it is wrong. I am just saying that for me I do this to pay my bills and build a financial future. I approach this like all my other jobs, the difference being that I am passionate about working for ME and not someone else.

    So, I really don’t think that it will be to your disadvantage (especially since you cross market with your jewelry). But you do need to analyze if you want to work here. Don’t let others make you “feel” as though you are “missing” something or influence you one way or another.

    I know that with this business I can build a secure financial future. I know that I work for myself and I love that aspect. I am personally glad that my personal self worth beliefs are not wrapped up in the material things or even the goals.

    So remove the emotion (passion) and write a plan for what you want out of this business. You already believe that you can do this so the next step is to make a pro and con list to see if you want to do this. Then build a plan and move on it.

    Hope that helps! -pynkmyst

  46. mkrules Says:

    pinkwink, my passion comes from seeing others feel better about themselves by using the products and having fun at the parties/facials. Also, providing a way for them to make some extra money. I think you should think of what makes you passionate in life and apply it to MK. See if that helps! 🙂

  47. pinkwink Says:

    I understand what you are saying, pynkmyst and mkrules.
    Things have been going very well for me. I have really good sales the past couple of months and have not ordered anything yet. Why do I still feel this isn’t for me?
    I also have a day job – IT. I love what i do and I take home a decent amount. I am crushed everytime i leave the kids for facials/classes/meetings. My daughter still keeps on reminding me that it was hard for them when I was gone for career conference last year. I am a homebody-type of person. I’m on high just being at home with my family.
    Like you, pynkmyst, I am not at all excited about the prizes. I am not into jewelry – even if I love making them. I am not a make-up person but that is also the reason why I tried going into the business. Maybe, like jewelry, it could be something that’s for me.

  48. mkrealist Says:

    PinkWink, if your children are at the age where it is difficult, wrenching, to leave them behind to conduct MK business, then maybe it’s time to realize that the timing is wrong for your MK.

    The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.

    Time with your children, as they grow, is not time you can get back. Your MK “career” will always be there (provided you don’t do a Product BuyBack) and can be picked up when the time is more right for you later on, if you so desire.

    I’m single with no kids. But I know the importance of time and attention for children, especially if they are at the point of being able to vocalize and communicate their needs. You must balance being too accomodating, that will not help them grow, but you cannot ignore them either in favor of something that can/will wait.

    Make the decision that is right for YOU!

    Look into maintaining a catalog/re-order/website based MK business. Something that doesn’t take you out of the home so often. Do you have a team member or sister-consultant who CAN do appointments. When you run across a woman who just HAS to have a facial, refer her to that other consultant and treat it as a dove-tail. You will earn 15% of whatever she purchases at that appointment for the referral.

    Good Luck with whatever you decide!

  49. pinkwink Says:

    I had a loong talk with my husband. He has been very supportive of me. Like, really. He never said anything against MK and sometimes he even reminds me that I need to make calls… He’s wonderful. He lets me make my own decision based on what I think is right. In that conversation, he mentioned how he would rather that I slow down a bit – but if I want t continue, he’s right there behind me.

    I really believe I would have to shift my priorities for now. I have young kids and I am out from 8:30-6:00. I used to do MK at nights and Saturdays but really – It’s torture for me. I like your suggestion that maybe i can help a sister-consultant.

    Thanks for all your suggestions. I will make a list and sleep over this tonight.

    You guys are great!

  50. pinkwink Says:


    I am passionate about staying home with my kids. Will it be MK that will pave the way for that? I don’t know. I usually give more than what is required of me in everything that I do. And that comes automatically – it’s second nature to me. With MK, it’s not there. How can I get more excited with organizing my inventory that preparing for an appointment? I don’t like going to meetings – though I do and I see the importance of it. I don’t seem to enjoy the whole process. I’ve been with MK for over 2 years but decided to start moving up just about a year. I told myself I want to be a director so i could stay with the kiddos and leave the workforce. But do i really? I know that I can still reach my goal with or without MK. Don’t get me wrong. Like I said, I love MK – the product, the opportunity, everything. I just think it’s for me. It has always been said, “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
    Sorry, I think I need to stop now. I just keep going on and on…
    I have to go home anyway… I’ll check-in later.

    Thanks again for your patience…

  51. pinkwink Says:

    oooppsss… i meant I just think it’s not for me… OR IS IT? Is that a sign? 😉 I’m more confused now… Bye… going home… later…

  52. Em Says:

    What is your personal affirmation? Do you say it every day? Outloud? Looking in the mirror? Do you record it and listen over and over?

  53. pinkwink Says:

    As a matter of fact I do have a positive affirmation. I say it everyday. Not in the mirror because I say it before I get up from bed – multiple times. I didn’t record it but I am accustomed to saying it multiple times in day. It is posted in my office, at home, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, almost everywhere.
    That’s the thing, Em, I’m working my business the right and honest way – I’m getting results but deep inside, I feel like I am not enjoying it. Shouldn’t I be doing the dance of joy (ok maybe not all the time but at least a lot of times) since I am getting results?
    That’s what’s making me sad about this whole thing.

  54. mkrealist Says:

    PinkWink, there is a post over on MKV that may help you. Also pick up the book it references if you get a chance.

  55. colleen Says:

    Pinkwink we are NEVER going to always enjoy our businesses there is no reason for you to always be happy! I think what you are feeling is normal and you have ups and down periods and there is nothing wrong with that.

  56. mkrules Says:

    Yeah, I think what will make you happy is if you put in the hard work to be director, then when you can replace your income, stay home. When you are reaching your main goal of staying home, you will be happy. Or maybe you can do it another way as you said and do MK a lil on the side. Nothing wrong with that.

  57. Colleen Says:

    What is good about MK and other companies like it Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Beauticontrol..etc is that if you work hard you dont have to wait for a raise or a promotion.

  58. mkrules Says:

    I just realized I really need to be a star this quarter so I need to sell, sell, sell. I refuse to buy mine and I want arena seating at seminar.

  59. Rebecca Says:

    Happiness: Knowing you tried your best and went through your day with integrity, no matter what the end results may have been.

    Star Consultant: Achieving this through sales is the very best way. And it IS time to start thinking about Seminar and Arena seating.

  60. pinkwink Says:

    Thanks all.
    This site has been so helpful. Thanks for all the suggestions.

  61. mkrules Says:

    pynk, where have you been? working? CRAZY TALK!

  62. pynkmyst Says:

    LOL – YES! Been crazy, had a car party for a consultant then unit meetings and workshops… dang! Now I gotta go and find another topic to write on – fortunately everyone else has had some AWESOME posts!!! How you been?

  63. mkrules Says:

    I have been great, getting bookings from my new portfolio. Going to get more leads on Friday with my booth. Last night my adopted’s meeting was great. Tax man came and I learned a lot. Then we were told of a few changes that will make it easier to get guests to come back. I can also use my portfolio to book my facials at meeting if they want to do it alone. I posted my portfolio idea under “Booking Ideas” on mkrules.

  64. Colleen Says:

    Ok I have good news too Im giving out a sample tomorrow and if I can get rid of (well if MK) can get rid of her bumps she will purchase.

  65. mkrules Says:

    woo hoo. What kind of bumps?

  66. Colleen Says:

    They look like bumps if you had a rash they are very tiny…and small.

  67. mkrules Says:

    hmmm, I used to get that. It was from acrylates. Maybe try to stay away from products using them, including some MK ones. I could use the classic basic and foundation, lots of other stuff…but the bronzer, eyesicles, and creme to powder foundation all make me have like little red dots (not exactly bumps, they were flat) and I found that they all contained the similar ingredient and read online that you can become sensitive to it.

  68. Since I have such a difficult time talking with people I don’t know, I made up a flyer to have a facial/makeover with a coupon for a little gift if held by an expiration date.

    Now, I need ideas where I can go to hand out these flyer/coupons. Someplace where there will be lots of women and yet, I won’t be arrested or kicked out for soliciting.

  69. pynkmyst Says:

    Hmm… daycares, tanning salongs, hair salons, nail salons, grocery store bulletin boards, gyms, maybe talk to Fashion Bug or something like that?

    Keep in mind, that you may get a call from a consultant or director about how “coupons” are not legal, but I think since you are offering a “free gift” and not dollar off you should be fine.

    Keep us posted on your success!

  70. Thanks. So far I three places let me leave some for their customers to take. A deli, a hair salon and the gymnastics place. (I personally rarely discounts.) I had a slew of the previous mini brush set pcp gifts on my shelves and since the current pcp gift is also a mini brush set, I figured it would be a “safe” promotion, in case I got a larger response than gifts available.

    The flyer also states they must be at least 18 and not currently being serviced by a Mary Kay Consultant, so I can see no reason any Director or Consultant would have a problem with my promotion.

  71. colleen Says:

    Myst there is a lot of talk on (those blogs) and the company not caring about people but the bottom line. Im not saying MK is perfect but do you think (from what you know) that they will make good decisions and thrive or go bust?
    I say this because I KNOW corporate reads these blogs and I have read that some who have different blogs said they saw an IP address from Corporate (MK corporate that is)….I sincerely hope that they ARE reading these blogs because there is so much they can do to make the company better. Im not saying that they are not trying Im just saying that I hope that they learn from these blogs and see what works and doesnt and that they make some slight changes for the better and not for the worse.
    The products are great and the marketing plan is great its just that so many people have been abusive of it by frontloading and telling lies about high checks (without) the work involved.
    Before anyone gets upset I KNOW that we have agreements and we all can read but when some consultants put faith in shady directors there are many times that a newbie can be preyed upon and that is the thing that needs to be addressed.

  72. mkrules Says:

    MKC has read my blog…but I think it was just to find out if I was trying to ruin their rep. Which we all know I am NOT!

    As for corporate going bust, no way. Look how many markets they are in. The only ones going bust are those who send their product back and will not be able to sell MK ever again.

  73. Colleen Says:

    Im going to rephrase myself MK Rules…what I meant by things going bust is not the company going out of business but:
    A) Revamping the comp plan so the sales in the US would go up or
    B) Doing something so radical that the naysayers
    would be put to rest.
    Im sure they will do well in other markets since its new territory.

  74. Rebecca Says:

    There will ALWAYS be those who are excessively critical of this company. That will never cease. Every group, organization, business has it’s excessively critical group. It is impossible to put the naysayers to rest.

  75. Colleen Says:

    Well I hope the heathens who have been invading the Unitnet sites are happy now ALL of the sites are password protected!!! It was fun reading those things…

  76. JanMarieNSD Says:

    I just don’t understand why the PTers go to the unitnet sites. We are all various stages of pink but the unitnet site readers are a stronger shade.

    As per the secret dvd, everything is a vibrational match. That’s why we are in various places and stages in our lives. I just don’t thik unitnet visitors would be interested in pinktruth.

  77. Krizzle Says:

    Hey Colleen,

    You know what, it’s always a few jerks that ruin the system for everyone. Maybe it’s a good thing that UnitNet has put this in place. No worries though, Myst keeps us informed. I just like to stay in the MK loop. I guess I should place a $200 before I go T status. Haven’t heard from my director is ages, I think she’s still alive. Oh well, who knows!

  78. pynkmyst Says:

    Hi All!

    Ok, Colleen… Nah. MK won’t go bust. Will they make changes. I think they might. I took a survey a few weeks ago and the questions were very interesting. It also gave a me a chance to respond with recommendations. Which I had a few. 😉 I am sure they read the blogs and it is smart. Keep mine friends close and mine enemies closer. They are watching the pulse of the market place and it is smart. They need to watch it to see if they need to make some changes or counter what is going on out there.

    Ah unitnet… let the chaos begin. I have had my site password protected for some time so this change is just a bit of an annoyance. Some sites are just automatically accepting registrations so for those who are interested – go check out your favorite sites, you may just automatically be allowed access.

    So what did I miss this past week?

  79. colleen Says:

    I sent them my request for a visitors pass (unitnet) and have not gotten one yet I guess it will be on the way though Im not a troublemaker so it should not be a problem….

  80. Colleen Says:

    Ok I have my pass now….dont feel so bad its
    probably the best thing that happened so they can monitor who goes in and out!!!!

  81. Dara Says:

    Question for you all– when interviewing and telling people about our earning potential, Is it misleading to just say “We make 50% commission on our sales” or should I qualify this statement by saying, “We make 50 % commission on our sales, but we usually pay ourselves anywhere from 30-40% to account for business expenses”. I’ve asked this before on other blogs ( I hope I didn’t already ask this here, if so please excuse my perimenopausal brain) and have gotten some interesting responses.

    I want to be truthful and not give the impression that they will keep for themselves $100 out of a $200 class, and to be honest alot of women are not business minded and don’t realize that they will have pay for sales aids and Hostess Credit.

  82. MK Rules Says:

    I say “We are a direct sales company. This means I buy a product from MK, for example for one dollar, and I resell for 2. This is the highest profit in the direct sales industry. If you choose to discount, that will come out of your profit.”

  83. Colleen Says:

    Its not misleading and Ill tell you why..some people choose to do different levels of hostess credit and some DONT do it. If you do one facial and its 100.00 and the client doesnt give you a booking then you have made 50.00 for one 25.00 an hour for two hours worth of work.

  84. mkta Says:

    Pynkmyst, I have a couple of questions for you..when you did your fish bowls…did everyone in there want to get together with you?? what was your ratio?? I have had my GRAND Prize winner not call me back, (which my GRAND Prize was a gift certificate to the nail salon)
    Also, did you get together with them for a facial first and then try to have them be a hostess OR did you try to turn the facial into a party??
    Also, what was the script you used…I saw in a earlier post that you said that you still called people two years later??!! What kind of response did you get calling them two years later??? Did you call them again because they didn’t call you back the first time…just curious on this…
    Thanks for your input…what I have read, it does seem like you built your business the same way I would like to build mine…with women that want to sell and build a business….

  85. pynkmyst Says:

    Hi mkta!

    1) No, not everyone wanted to get together with me, but I do book about 90% of the people I get a hold of, my script is VERY simple!

    “Hi _____, this is ______ with Mary Kay, I am calling regarding the drawing you entered at __________. I am so excited! You were one of my runner prize winners this month and you won a $10 gift certificate to spend at your free facial and makeover, so I just need to know, which works better for you, weekday or weekend? Great! Morning or afternoon. Great!”

    Do NOT pause in this dialogue, just run through it and answer their questions and get them on the books. 🙂

    2) I have gift certificates that I have thrown away. Who cares! If the grand prize winner does not get together with you then you have two options… well three…
    1) Call and leave a final message, “Hi ________ this is _________ with Mary Kay and you were my Grand Prize Winner from the drawing at _________. You won _______. I have not been able to get a hold of you, and unfortunately if I do not hear back from you by ________ then I will have to select another winner – how sad! Give me a call at _________ – I look forward to talking with you soon!
    2) Draw a new winner. 🙂
    3) Toss it. One of my tanning salons wanted to write the name on the gift certificate so if I never met with that winner then I tossed it. The others did not write a name so I could just redraw. 🙂

    3) Ok, I always book the facial FIRST. So I use the dialogue above and once they are booked I will say something like, “You know _______ if you share your appointment with just two girlfriends you will receive FREE product, now my clients tell me free is there favorite price! Wouldn’t you agree? Me too! So can you think of two-four girlfriends you would want to share your appointment with?” and go from there.

    4) I do call people from forever ago, same scripts as above, I just say… “Oh my goodness! I have been trying to reach you since we met at ________ last summer! You were my runner up prize winner and we just never connected! You won… blah blah” Same thing. 🙂

    I do NOT stalk. I will call, leave a message, call a couple weeks or month later if no answer not leave message then maybe 3 months later. If I am low on leads I dust off the old ones. 🙂

    Let me know how this works for you!!! You CAN do it!

  86. mkta Says:

    So, do you give them the $10 gift certificate plus the hostess credit????
    You know one thing I am going to work on is what Arlene Lenarz said is do not have the nickel so close to your eye that you cannot see the quarter…
    She also says to not give away the store..
    I know this is an area I need to work on…

  87. pynkmyst Says:

    I give them $10 gift certificate and the hostess credit, but my hostess credit is very simple:

    You & Me = $10 FREE
    You + 2 = $30
    You + 4 = $50

  88. anonymous Says:

    I’ve done many facial bowls and never had a problem with the business insisting they write the name of the winner on the gift certificate. Of course, I’ve always bought the gift certificate from the business, so what I do with it is truly up to me. Since I buy the gift certicates, there’s a 4th option, which I would put well above tossing it out – using it myself if I couldn’t give it away.

  89. mkrules Says:

    I do $25 in free product with makeover, or $50 free with 3. I give them the option of $100 for $35 instead of the $50 free. It works!

  90. Me Says:

    Off of current topic, but a question just the same:

    I had a question from a client that I don’t know the answer to. Can you use CelluShape on your face and/or neck? She was wondering if it would tighten her facial skin as she has recently lost a lot of weight.

    I have heard that it can be used on arms for the same reason, but wasn’t sure of the face/neck area. Any info?

    Since it’s the weekend I thought I would ask our resident experts–if no one knows I can contact the company on Monday. Thanks, ladies!

  91. pynkmyst Says:

    I have a consultant in my unit who has been using it on her neck and swears by it. What I tell folks when these kinds of things pop up is “the product was not tested for that, but I have heard…” of if you have not heard, “you can always try it, and we have the 100% satisfaction guarantee” and yes, I would honor the satisfaction guarantee even if they are using it in some way other than intended. Hope that made sense.

  92. Me Says:

    Thanks, Miss Pynk! I will pass on the info. Wonder where it would go in the order of application…oh well, trial and error sounds like the answer to that!

  93. mkta Says:

    HI Pynkmyst!
    Would you be comfortable with e-mailing me your unitnet site…I would just love to check it out..One thing I am realizing is when I was actively doing my business before…I was not treating it as a business..(meaning being resposible about it), but I would love to check out the information on your unitnet site..I obvioulsy understand though if you would rather not give out that information…(with all of the anti-mary kay stuff going on)(I am not too famaliar with blogs..but, I believe you can already see my e-mail address, right?????

  94. Kewpie Says:





  95. pynkmyst Says:

    Hi MKTA – So sorry I did not respond to this back in April! I have not outed myself to anyone and want to remain anonymous. Although much of the outing BS seems to have died down, I just don’t want to deal with any craziness and my unit doesn’t deserve to have to deal with any craziness. 🙂 If it makes you feel any better, I only provide access to my unit and adoptees.

  96. Jeni Says:

    #87. A great way to make a friend a client. I like that, and used it. I also, ( I live in a small town ) take books around the hood, and if no one is home, I leave the book on the door knob or inside screen door. Make sure your business cards and gift cards are available. This is a great time of year to get new leads, and if I were still a consultant, I would be ordering and selling at least a ruby or better.

  97. Jeni Says:

    #87. A great way to make a friend a client. I like that, and used it. I also, ( I live in a small town ) take books around the hood, and if no one is home, I leave the book on the door knob or inside screen door. Make sure your business cards and gift cards are available. This is a great time of year to get new leads, and if I were still a consultant, I would be ordering and selling at least a ruby or better.

  98. Jeni Says:

    oops, sorry, double posted.

  99. BEEcomingmore Says:

    Does anyone have a heads up yet on which Eye Shadow Colors are going to be phased out? I would like to be sure I am showing and promoting those shades during the holiday season. (I can always sell the current compacts and colors after the new compacts are launched but the discontinued shades will not be included in new Look Books and will become increasingly difficult to deplete.)

    FYI – In the past when MK has changed compact color, I discovered women were still willing to pay full price for the “old” version. All they cared about was the colors. When the prices change on other products making the Look books featuring the previous style compact unusable, I “sell” them by offering the customers a choice between the two: “You have a choice of black or silver compact for the look you tried today.” Again, no need to slash prices and lose profit. If you absolutely WANT to offer a discount, don’t jump to 50%…totally unnecessary. The silver one may be more enticing for just 10%. (I feel MK women tend to discount too much and quickly. Then their businesses have cash flow problems or they “aren’t making enough money” because they are selling items without a profit. Just remember you don’t HAVE to discount items to sell them if there is a demand for them. And women are wanting/buying the color look that makes them look great not the container the colors come in.)

    Anyways, if anyone has a heads up, I would VERY much appreciate it. Thanks.

  100. shadesofpink Says:

    Hey Beecomingmore, I LOVE your ideas in the second part of your post! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  101. colleen Says:

    BEEcomingmore you are so right!!! If you discount things people dont take you seriously!
    I think a 20 percent discount should be the max unless you have something you just cant get rid of.

  102. Scrib Says:

    Greetings, ladies!

    I have a question that I would warmly welcome some feedback on. Is there anyone here who is choosing to work their business by selling product alone? You book and hold classes, you do facials, you hold parties/trunk shows/open houses, and product sales ARE happening. But for whatever reason, you choose not to recruit.

    Is it possible for a woman to to make decent money in Mary Kay by solely working the retail aspect of the business? What are your experiences?

    Thank you guys so much – your insight is greatly appreciated! 🙂

  103. shadesofpink Says:


    Personally, I do think it is possible to make decent money selling only, but it would take a lot of work. There is an article about this on Balanced Mary Kay. I’ve provided the link at the end of this comment. I posted my opinion there along with others. I will copy my response here for you. 🙂

    shadesofpink said…
    Can someone make a “living” by ONLY selling and not recruiting anyone?

    My expectation is that someone cannot make a living by ONLY selling. It’s not to say it’s impossible, but I would never set the expectation to a prospective team member that she can live off of sales only. Here’s why it’s possible: a friend of mine made the Queen’s Court of Sales at Seminar 2007. Incidentally, it was also her first year as a consultant! Her profit as most of us here know would have been at least $18,000. It’s not quite enough to meet the standard of living here, but it’s a tremendous accomplishment. Now, she does have a full time job on top of this. I can’t speak for her, but if I were in her shoes, that would be a nice bonus to my full time job. 😉 For those who are curious, she has one team member. She’s a senior consultant.
    January 8, 2008 12:37 PM

  104. Dara Says:

    I feel that it’s not only possible- I know of 3 cases where it’s been done. I have a personal relationship with 2 of the women who are doing it and know anecdotally of the other.

    One has been around a long time (she’s a legend in my National Area and Seminar division) and gets very irritated when consultants treat her like she’s doing something special. She gets calls oall the time and brushes them off. She simply holds appts. -lots of them and provides her customers with great customer service.

    She come up when WORKING consultants were encouraged to hold 5-7 clases each week with 5 guests each at their classes and that’s what she did. Her customer base is HUGE- she once brought her PCP list to a retreat and you have never seen anything like it, pages and pages.

    She says the problem is that Consultants no longer hear the need to do that many classes in a week, we now act like it’s a big deal to do only 3 and have managed to convince ourselves and others that it’s impossible to do more.

  105. Scrib Says:

    Dara and Shadesofpink, I truly appreciate your input on this. I have a great deal of respect for women that do the “selling only” aspect of MK because by choosing not to recruit, they are shielding themselves from a host of ethical issues (in the form of all the dodgy scripts and questionable teachings floating around out there).

    Now I’m not saying that every IBC on the planet engages in those questionable tactics, but I feel because advancement and recruiting are directly linked, the potential to slip into those behaviors and teachings is ever present – it’s a danger to women who are striving to live their lives “God first…”

    Personally, I think advancement should come with retail sales amount – it would be a way to show others, “Hey, I moved up because I sold enough product to fill a football stadium,” not just because “I recruited X number of folks.”

    Pynkmyst, great little site – thanks for being open to “keeping it real” because frankly, it’s darned refreshing! 🙂

  106. shadesofpink Says:

    Actually, Scrib, the advancement is based on team building and production. It is stated clearly in MK literature. The problem is people do dishonest things to fudge production.
    When I am talking to a potential team member, I make clear that they are expected to sell the product. A selling team moves up. Someone who is just telling people to order loads of inventory is not working properly and will eventually falter.
    So, ultimately, what we should be able to claim is, “Hey, I moved up because I built a strong selling team and taught them how to sell and as a group we moved enough product to fill a stadium.” 🙂

  107. Scrib Says:

    Thanks for clarifying that one for me, Shadesofpink! It’s a very good thing that you’re up-front with your potential team members- the more folks know up front, the better informed they’ll be, and thus reducing the chances that someone’s going to get a chargeback later.

    I actually saw a script by a director the other night that treated recruiting interviews like real job interviews – it instructed the recruiter to gauge whether or not the potential recruit had a talent for the business and to not hesitate in turning her down if she didn’t look like she would be able to handle sales! I was pretty impressed by that.

  108. shadesofpink Says:

    That sounds like a great script! I think that is an excellent idea. I’d love to see that interview sheet. If you want, you can email the link to me at

  109. Scrib Says:

    ShadesofPink, done and done! 🙂

  110. Dara Says:

    Scrib- I’d love to see that interview sheet as well! Could you please send it to me at ?

    One of the reasons that deceptive recruiting practices have proliferated is that Consultants and Directors have gotten away from what MK herself originally taught and promoted.

    She told Directors especially that they should LIVE on their sales and BANK their commissions. We’ve gotten it all screwed around, so that now Directors and Consultant alike really believe that the only way to be successful in Mary Kay is to recruit, that you can’t do it on sales alone.

    If I as a Director am not holding enough appts. to sell enough products.. my ability to feed my family and pay my bills then has to be determined by large new recruit orders and badgering current Unit members for orders. Doing it other than the way MK taught almost guarantees abuse. Your own pressing needs make it almost impossible to come from a pure heart that lacks selfish motivation.

  111. colleen Says:

    What some companies and MK people have forgotten is that its ALL about relationship building. I KNOW companies are hiring good looking slicksters and they are losing their market share. I think that the customer service of the old time NSD’s and consultants, and a good product is what is keeping MK alive in the US. I hate it when I see a good company go down the tubes because of some bad apples and the good people have to work twice as hard to keep things going. Im mad right now as you can tell not with MK but with some of these companies who dont care about their employees anymore..

  112. Angie Says:

    “Im mad right now as you can tell not with MK but with some of these companies who dont care about their employees anymore..”
    Colleen, you are joined with many in your frustration.

    Our country was and I believe still a great nation, however we are seeing effects now from policies of the last 15 -16 years. Many Corpoations have gone to countries with Cheap labor.. now to stay competitive they take away benefits, I could go on and on..The view is global, our elected officials as well as our former mainstream companies do not see themselves as Americans anymore rather as ‘citizens of the world’ and it has and is bringing our country to its knees economically. In fact 70% of our economy is now based on consumer spending.. DUH! Guess they think to bring the rest of the world up, they have to take us down.

    Dara, you are right, Mary Kay did teach that, I started noticing the change in 95
    although I am sure they were always a few who practiced their business ‘their way’.

    Mary Kay is still a great company and yes, it is hard to clean up messes that the bad apples do to hurt our image and yes, it causes us to have to work in many cases, twice as hard Colleen.

    As an ‘old timer’ so to speak, I know many who are Go Give and have always practiced their business the Mary Kay way. They just don’t get as much press. LOL!:)

    We must remember in these times, that we must take advantage of owning our own business and running it as a business with relationship building in the process. There is no long term security anymore working for someone else..We must make our own security the best we can if it means working our business once a week consistently or 2-3 times.

    The choice is ours.
    Lots of hugs to you all!

  113. pinkstar Says:

    For the lady who’s not sure about how she feels being in MK because you’re not into the prizes or jewelry, being away from your children to the business or go to events, etc., I suggest this: go back in your mind to the original reasons you began your MK business, remembering that everything in the business is optional~meetings, events, how many and what kind of appts. you conduct, what you offer or don’t, is your personal choice. Nowhere else can you have such freedom to customize the business to you, your family, your current situation. I’ve always been a single mom, now over 20 years, 15 of them in MK. I’ve been the unit star all the way to my level now, totally independent and walking my own personal path without meetings or a local director as my choice, but I am my own star. From the MK website for training and product info, to unitnet and even these wonderful positive MK blogs, I alone decide what level of the business is comfortable for me. Freedom and comfort, beauty and business, my clients are my new girlfriends. Every woman wants to be pretty, younger looking, and cared about. I only look at the sales on a monthly basis so I never get hung up on any particular amount from an appointment. I have huge reorder clients all the way to the mini-client. They’re all special, even if its just the time we spent together. How can I feel that way? Because many years ago I had a facial and I was broke and couldn’t buy a thing. That consultant was so compassionate, I’ll never forget her. The look in my rearview mirror driving home was the first time I felt pretty in years and throughout the years that ‘look in the rearview mirror’ gave me strength, confidence, and belief I was important in every area of my life since then. I reproduce that feeling everyday when I put my MK face on. When someone can’t buy at an appt. she just might be me, now only reversed. As long as she is beautiful going out the door I know I have made an impact and keeping that relationship as pure as possible insures us both. Good always comes back. So, find purity in what you do as a beauty consultant. Make it more about heart than anything else. That way it all flows, its all about her. Stay trained, informed, and ready to answer questions. Product knowledge has been a key to whether someone will try and then buy. Let your depth in the business reflect where you’re at in life, because life always changes. Children mature, needs for cash ebb and flow, and interest grows or wanes. Its all ok, its all good. You have control. Let yourself be in control. Good luck ~

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